Saturday, May 23, 2020
Should Parents Spank Their Children - 1327 Words
Should parents spank their children? Miguel Tello EMT LBCC Shawn Parker Nov 24, 2015 Abstract Corporal Punishment is a controversial topic that is influence by religion, values, upbringings etc. What parents do not realize is that it can have great outcomes in whether you practice it or not. One thing is certain, physical abuse is not always the answer. People should take a second and evaluate there parenting skills. Whether they are going to give positive reinforcement or is it based on anger and a quick silence that may satisfy briefly. Physical abuse is noticeable, but deep down a psychological abuse might be of more abuse. Children are developing and learning about life. What sort of values and behavioral does corporal punishment teach. Aggression, anger, despite, bitterness is what punishment enforces. Children need love affection and a good teacher to learn from to feel love, compassion, and trust to feel happy. There are other types of punishment that will catch children’s attention and at no physical abuse. Should parents spank their children? Corporal punishment or spanking does not only hurt physically but can lead to emotional and behavioral problems down the road for children. When parents spank children they are using the notion of fear to teach them what not to do, but it does not explain what is right when it comes to appropriate behaviors. In addition, children learn that when theyShow MoreRelatedParents Should Not Spank Children1657 Words  | 7 PagesParents should not spank children Spanking is a method that most of parents use to punish their children after they have done something bad, which can help a child not to do the same thing again or over and over. It has been the way of discipline for many years. According to Julie Crandall, â€Å"65 percent of Americans spank their children, which means 3.5 out of 5 parents spank their children†. This study clearly shows us that parents more parents spank their children. ParentsRead MoreShould Parents Be Allowed to Spank Their Children1456 Words  | 6 PagesShould Parents Be Allowed To Spank Their Children? The inhuman act of corporal punishment at home that is discouraged globally by a number of pressure groups and social welfare organizations should be completely banned, and parents should be allowed to spank their children. Physical violence practiced on children also known as corporal punishment has been discouraged globally by a number of pressure groups and social organizations for a number of reasons with serious consequences for violatorsRead MoreParents Should Not Spank Their Children Essay examples1654 Words  | 7 Pagesinjury. So, are parents actually teaching their children violence? When a parent spanks a child, whether they are aware of it or not, they are teaching that child violence. They are teaching them that hitting someone else is okay. In his article The 13 Ways Spanking Harms Children, Michael J. Marshall, PhD, says that children who are spanked engage in more hitting and fighting than those who are not physically punished by their parents. Relying on spanking when parents think its neededRead MoreSpanking Young Children1366 Words  | 6 PagesAbout 60% of parents in the United States use spanking as a method to discipline their young children. In most cases parents believe that spanking is the only effective way to discipline their children. According to the â€Å"International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family†, spanking is often referred as; â€Å"one or two flat-handed swats on a childs wrist or buttocks, but would not include a beating with a whip or a belt, for others, spanking also includes slaps and pinches to the leg, arm, back , or evenRead More Corporal Punishment in America Essays1222 Words  | 5 Pagescorporal punishment as the use of physical force aimed at causing children to experience pain but not injury, for the purposes of correction and control of youthful behavior (Day 83). Spanking is one form of physical or corporal punishment (Epoch 1). The general acceptance, and sometimes support, of corporal punishment as a method of discipline is an aspect of the American culture (Barnett, Miller-Perrin, Perrin 61). Children are abused, in part, because they are unable to defend themselvesRead MoreParenting Styles, Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive And Uninvolved981 Words  | 4 PagesParenting style has a big impact on how children develop into adults, and there are important implications for their future success. (Ronald Riggio, 2014) How a parent treated their child will follow the child for the rest of its life. Different parenting styles and their punishments that follow can affect the child mentally (psychological disorders) and physically (obesity). While we all know some forms of punishment is uncalled for such as persistence spanking is not typically just punishment butRead MoreCorporal Punishment Is A Discipline Method1650 Words  | 7 PagesEnglish Dictionary, states that the verb spank means to â€Å"slap with one s open hand or a flat object, especially on the buttocks as a punishment†(Spank). Either against or for spanking in both definitions one can see this i s an inhumane thing to do to a person let alone a small innocent child. I have heard stories from my father about how he used to be spanked as a child. He said that if it was a minor wrong behavior then he or his siblings would receive a spank by the hand, but if they did somethingRead More Corporal Punishment (Spanking) - A Parents Choice Essay748 Words  | 3 Pagescausing children to experience pain but not injury, for the purposes of correction and control of youthful behavior( Spanking is a controversial topic and should not be taken lightly. As a child I was spanked when I did something wrong. My parents never left a mark on me what so ever. Being spanked taught me respect and kept me in line. The way my parents disciplined me, I think is an accepted method of punishment. I believe what parents do to theirRead MoreThe Importance Of Parental Spanking Of Children1540 Words  | 7 PagesParents should not spank their children because the parental spanking of children can be harmful to the behavioral and social development of their children. Parental spanking of children is a violent disciplinary technique where a parent hits childrens behinds with an open hand or object in order to deter childrens behavior in a way the parents may perceive as negative. I grew up in a home where my parents spanked me and my three younger brothers. I have witnessed parental spanking of childrenRead MoreThe Effects Of Spaking And Child Abuse866 Words  | 4 Pagesspanked by a parent for misbehaving may carry on this behavior as an accept able form of punishment for their own children. Others believe spanking to be an outdated punishment that is cruel and can cross the line to physical abuse. Some also believe spanking allows a parent to immediately stop a dangerous action, and, as a traditional form a discipline, may be necessary to communicate a message about negative behavior to young children who may not understand verbal explanations. A lot of parents find their
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Transformational Century And Historical Sources And...
1. Why is the 15th century called the transformational century and what historical sources and tools can be used to verify this description! Please discuss fully. While the 15th century had an abundance of things that collectively caused it to be called the transformational century, such as the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the rise of the Byzantine Empire, and the use of guns to fight battles, I believe that the printing press makes a strong statement about the change in society. The reason the printing press stands out is it was a major change to how information was exchanged. Prior to the invention of the printing press, it’s estimated that only about 10% men/1% women were literate (Willis, 2015). However, in 1674 literacy rates were 60% for men and 30% for women (Harvard, n.d.). This increase in literacy rates greatly aided the Renaissance age by allowing information to be spread much more rapidly than previously possible. Just as the printing press encouraged the renaissance age, the renaissance age encouraged the use of the printing press. This can be seen by the rapid increase in the number of towns that had printing presses in us e, around 236 towns had their own print shops (Maxfield, 2009). This also caused ideologies to spread much faster than, exposing people to previously unknown ways. Which in turn allowed people to develop their own new ideas. This increased desire for knowledge is the heart why the 15th century is called the transformational century. ThereShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Management Approach Analysis : Organization1550 Words  | 7 PagesOrganizational Management Approach Analysis The following analysis examines the organizational approach to management that I work for. Since many of the approaches to management are based on historical approaches to management, this article will analyze the differences and similarities between this approach and the historical ones. In addition, I will also talk about the efficiencies and inefficiencies of the approach contemplating on its impact on the overall organizations growth and business. OrganizationalRead MoreHuman Resource Management and Demings Continuous Improvement Concept8656 Words  | 35 Pagesimprovement process that makes use of four systems approaches: trust, bureaucracy, unionization, and regulation. Variance-minimizing tools that were appropriate for earlier phases of HR history (characterized by higher levels of HR loss) may be too blunt for the level of commitment industry now demands. Enterprise or company unionism may be a preferable quality management tool, although the National Labor Relations Act inhibits its adoption. D 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords:Read MoreGlobal and International Business Contexts – Sm0269 Essay3889 Words  | 16 Pagesis a marked difference in industry structure when comparing the â€Å"New World†producers (e.g. Australia, Chile, United States) to the â€Å"Old World†firms. These structural differences are driven by institutional diversity and contrasting patterns of historical development in countries. However, they are also driven by the competitive strategies employed by particular firms which are determining factors discussed in Porter’s Diamond model. Porters diamond model allows an analysis of why some industriesRead MoreEssay about Phd Comprehensive Exam. in Leadership15004 Words  | 61 Pagesperspectives. For the epistemology of subjectivity â€Å"the social world external to individual cognition is made up of nothing more than names, concepts and labels which are used as artificial creations, whose utility is based upon their convenience as tools for describing, making sense of, and negotiating the external world†(Burrell and Morgan, 1979). For a qualitative researcher â€Å"human behavior depends on how individuals interpret the conditions in which they find themselves†and â€Å"social reality is regardedRead MoreA Review of Leadership Theories and Possible Changes to Police Leadership10285 Words  | 42 PagesTransactional and Transformational leadership. Leadership within policing has evolved over the years in some organizations to a more participative style and yet there are still leaders who cling to an antiquated domineering style. The purpose of this paper identified trait theories, leadership theories and change strategies that have molded or are molding the policing culture. Change must occur if the culture of police organizations are going to meet the demands of the 21st century and several issuesRead MoreCompare and Contrast Hrm and Ir1930 Words  | 8 Pagesthe HRM and IR respectively. It will then go on to lay out theoretical dimensions of the two subjects, and looks at significant characteristics of HRM and IR. The last part assesses comparison and contrast between the two fields in the light of historical perspectives and literature review. Definition Transition of Human Resource Management The HRM terminology stems from the USA subsequences of human relations movement. In the counterpart, since the first British book on HRM published in theRead MoreBig Data Analytics Driven Enterprise Asset Management For Asset Intensive Industries6539 Words  | 27 Pages ¬Big Data Analytics Driven Enterprise Asset Management for Asset Intensive Industries. Abstract â€Å"Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.†was introduced by Peter Sondergaard during Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2011. In fact, data is like oil! It has value, but it needs to be extracted and refined to get the true value from it. In today’s business climate, organisations across various sectors are realising the importance of collecting data from different businessRead MoreHuman Capital Planning6137 Words  | 25 Pagesbusiness process because of its transformational impact on the value the function delivers to the business and the way it delivers that value. With HCP, HR has the opportunity to get and keep a seat at the strategic decision making table. Corning uses HCP to improve its ability to identify human capital implications of corporate strategy and reshape HR services to better support the business. This article shares the evolution of HCP at Corning, the process and tools in place, its business impact,Read MoreOvercoming Social Exclusion : Stories From High Achieving American Indian Students9581 Words  | 39 Pagesand resistance. Each historical account gives insight not only about the ill-motivated attempts of the U.S. federal government to educate American Indians, but also details the dedication of American Indians and their communities to maintain their cultural identity, no matter the cost (Adams, 1997; Glenn, 2012; Szasz, 2006). Despite these overt attempts to strip American Indians of their cultural and linguistic heritage, Indian identity is as strong today as it was centuries ago (Deyhle SwisherRead MoreAn Organizational Change Project3898 Words  | 16 Pages as well as charismatic leadership and transformational leadership, which will guide to the achievement of the change operation, in addition to measures to look at the development of the change. Last of all, it will talk about several future leadership encounters that organizations could possibly come in contact with in the next several years. Organizational change management is something that takes into consideration both the tools and processes and tools that managers are able to utilize to make
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Recognition Speech Free Essays
To the ever steadfast director and school principal, Mr. Bartolome L. Avila, to the highly competent and deeply motivated teachers and staff; other officials who are present on this occasion;to the proud and loving parents; to the very important people- the stars, in today’s ceremonies, the awardees, ladies and gentlemen, a pleasant morning. We will write a custom essay sample on Recognition Speech or any similar topic only for you Order Now Like most of you today, my feelings are really overwhelming. I know, you guys are as excited about this event as I am so excited to speak before you today. Not so long ago, I was seating exactly where you are right now and hearing an inspirational talk from a guest speaker back then. Yes, I am but a proud alumna of Pililla Academy and soon you too will be part of the Alumni. Today, Pililla Academy will name those outstanding students who brought honors to themselves, and to this school. As we, you gather here and start viewing those simple and ordinary faces, you will realize that these achievers are exactly as everyone else. The only thing different is that, they have made their choices. That is to STAND and be recognized in the area where they choose to be the best one. It is a matter of CHOICE. It is between doing the right thing or not, or be recognized in good things or in all foolish activities. Sa ngayon, sa hirap ng buhay na dinaranas natin, tanging ang mga parangal na inyong matatanggap ang siyang magsisilbing tanglaw, gabay at pag-asa tungo sa magandang kinabukasan. Bawat medalya at sertipiko na inyong makakamit ay higit na mahalaga kaysa anumang kayamanan, sapagkat ito ang sumisimbolo sa natatanging kahusayan at galing na inyong pinamamalas. â€Å"Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma  which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. †How to cite Recognition Speech, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Best Case Questions free essay sample
It can point out significant matters of the financial statements but does not provide assurance of their accuracy. Because reviews are generally not as rigorous as audits, considerably less evidence is typically collected in a review than in a comparable audit engagement. The issue with ZZZZ Best case is that the auditors review was not sufficient enough to review any material misstatements on the financial statements. 3. SAS 106 (AU 326), Audit Evidence, specifically identifies the principal management assertions that underlie financial statements.The existence/occurrence assertion was particularly critical for ZZZZ Best’s insurance restoration contracts. ZZZZ Best’s auditors obtained third-party confirmations to support the contracts, reviewed available documentation, performed analytical procedures to evaluate the reasonableness of the revenues recorded on the contracts, and visited selected restoration sites. * What were the limitations of the evidence that these procedures provided with regard to the management assertion of existence/occurrence? 8 points) The limitations of the evidence that these procedures provided with regard to the management assertion of existence/occurrence was that Minkow insisted on Ernst Whinney to sign a standard confidentiality agreement where it stated that Ernst Whinney will not be able to make any follow-up telephone calls to any contractors, insurance companies, the building owner, or other individuals involved in the restoration contract. We will write a custom essay sample on Best Case Questions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This restriction effectively prohibited the auditors from corroborating the insurance restoration contracts with independent third parties. 4. George Greenspan testified before Congress that one method he used to audit the insurance restoration contracts was to verify that his client actually received payment on those jobs. * How can such apparently reliable evidence lead an auditor to an improper conclusion? (6 points) In Greenspan’s situation, his apparently reliable evidence was not from independent third party.When Greenspan confirmed the existence of ZZZZ’s insurance restoration contracts, he contacted Tom Padgett who at the time was an active and willing participant in Minkow’s fraudulent schemes. 5. Re: Predecessor-successor auditors: * What is the purpose of predecessor-successor auditor communications? * Which party, the predecessor or successor auditor, has the responsibility for initiating these communications?The successor auditor should obtain information from the predecessor auditor that will assist the successor auditor in determining whether to accept the engagement. Matters subject to the inquiry should include information that might bear on the integrity of management, disagreements with management as to accounting principles, auditing procedures, or similarly significant manners, communications to those charged with governance regarding fraud and illegal acts by clients, communications to management and those charged with governance regarding signi?
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