Thursday, October 31, 2019
Aristotle, Mill, Kant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Aristotle, Mill, Kant - Essay Example morals, Utility, or the Greatest Happiness Principle, holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness (Sharman, 2005)." Ideally, Mill’s concept of morality ultimately associates virtue with happiness. He believes that we first learn virtuous actions by linking them to pleasurable things. Mill’s supremacy of morality was founded on the basis of advocating for fairness in the legislation of Britain. Kant’s supreme moral principle states: "Act only on a maxim that you can will to be a universal law (Kant, 1964)." To put it simply, Kant believes that each one should act as if his actions are ultimately contributing to the universal law. He therefore approaches morality from the common sense approach. He believes that a god will is ultimately good. Kant (1964) believes that morality is the process of doing what the society generally permits as acceptable. Morality involves making rationalizations in order to end up with a decision on what is the right thing to do when in a dilemma situation. However, the rationalization must always be consistent with the moral law and in addition to that; it must also be done only for a moral
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Cutting physician salaries will not help solve the health care problem Essay
Cutting physician salaries will not help solve the health care problem - Essay Example The reason was to maintain outstanding individuals able in dealing with a critical issue. Medical field is extremely risky, and only requires potential students having competent brains who are willing to train in the tough environment. This was the reason Flexner report suggested the idea that is still used currently. After Flexner had finished doing his research and filing his report, many medical schools were graded as small trade schools that were not able to offer quality training in the medical field. The medical schools aimed at making profits hence did not offer compelling services to the patients visiting them. They did shoddy work to get more money for their personal and business needs. Some of the recommendations he suggested in his reports are as follows; for one to be admitted to medical college, he/she needed to possess a high school diploma, and experience of two or more years in university. Another recommendation was that the length of the college year should be about four years, and content to be taught should be agreed by CME. Proprietary medical learning institution should either be joined to other prominent universities or be entirely shut down. Flexner received many critics from other medical officers who were against his recommendations (Rayburn & Schulkin, 7). They believed it was unworkable and was a lousy way of solving the problems. Despite the negative reactions Flexner had to face, he stood for his report and promised to defend it from the critics. The effects of the Flexner’s report had the following effects in America; a person aiming at being a physician, one needs to spend six to eight years in training, in a university setting (Ann & C harles, 236-245). The government values medical training and makes sure that students going through the training get superior training. According to statistics, the average physicians skills and capabilities have improved significantly compared to the past periods (Waitzkin, 39). The government
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Mission of the organization defines the expected position and the fundamental purpose
Mission of the organization defines the expected position and the fundamental purpose Introduction The vision and mission of the organization defines the expected position and the fundamental purpose of the organization. The purpose of this assignment is to understand the vision and mission of the case company and to identify and understand the strategic aims and objectives of an organization and investigate its progress towards the fulfillment of those aims and objectives. For this different alternative strategies available to the organization are also considered. To fulfill the requirement of this assignment the organization selected for investigation is McDonalds. McDonalds is the leading fast food restaurant chain of the world and is serving more than 58 million customers on daily basis. McDonalds Vision and Mission Statement Every organization must have a vision and a mission. Vision and mission statements are the short phrases which sets the whole direction of the organization. Vision statement provides the whole picture of the organizations desired future position in a single phrase. This statement then sets a whole direction of all the strategic aims and objectives of the organization. Below is the vision statement of the case company i.e. McDonalds: To be the worlds best quick service restaurant experience, being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile Mission statement clarifies the fundamental purpose of the organization. Off course the purpose is to achieve the vision of the organization, but mission statement goes in further detail and answers the question of the existence of the organization. Mission statement of McDonalds is: To be the best employer To deliver operational excellence Achieving durable profits Expanding the brand name and extending the strength of McDonalds system through innovation and technology. Analyzing the vision and mission statement of the case company it is clear that organizations focus is mainly towards the external and internal customers i.e. consumers and employees. Furthermore, the company is committed to innovate and use the latest technology to earn huge profits. McDonalds Strategic Aims and Objectives An aim is a broader statement which tells what an organization wants to become and the objectives are the specific targets or tasks which leads towards the fulfillment of the aim of the organization. It is very important for an organization to set such aims which are practically possible and which can be measured. If this is not the case the organization will put its efforts and resources in that direction which is not possible at all. For effective working and success for an organization the aims and objectives must be realistic and it must also be associated with some time frame as if it is not the case then there will be confusion within the organization regarding the time to complete the tasks and projects (Fred David, 2006). Furthermore, the aims should be measureable, as the progress towards the fulfillment of objectives should be easily measured as if this is not the case then it would be very difficult for an organization to know that whether the desired results are achieved or not. McDonalds key to success all over the world is their priorities, which are also mentioned on their corporate website. The top priority of the leading fast food restaurant chain is the customers. As per the McDonalds corporate values the reason of the existence of the business are their customers and they work only to fulfill the needs and demands of the customers. As per the company it is not the matter of sales rather it is the matter of providing quality products along with the best services to the customers in affordable prices. The second priority is their employees or workforce. The company believes that the employees make the dream of the organization come true. The employees are their valuable assets and it is just because of the skills and competencies of their employees which enables the organization to achieve the set goals and targets. The company also believes the quality of their business model. According to the corporate values of the company the business model is set to meet the dynamic customer behavioral changes. The strategic aims and objectives of McDonalds and mentioned below and these shows that what are the top priorities of the company and it gives a hint why the company is so successful all across the globe: To maintain the leadership in fast food restaurant industry To serve the customer with good food in a friendly and fun environment Providing the quality food and value of money to the customer Providing the shareholder a positive return on their investments To meet the social and ethical responsibility Strategic Plan and its Component parts Strategic plan of any enterprise is a picture of the desired position of the organization. Strategic plan gives a root path that how the organization will achieve the desired place or position in the given industry (Maches, B. 2010). Three major components of strategic plan include formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategy carries that information and plan which provides a direction towards the organizational objectives (Kim Warren, 2008). Strategy Formulation Strategy formulation process starts with the situation analysis of the organization. Situation analysis is an important part of strategic plan as it gives an overview of the existing position of the organization. Situation analysis includes the analysis of internal and external environment of the organization. Different strategic tools can be used to evaluate this situation i.e. SWOT analysis, PEST Analysis etc. This also includes the evaluation of current mission and vision of the organization. Vision statement clarifies that what an organization want to become and on the other hand mission statements shows that what business the organization operates. Mission contains the products and services, its markets and its employee management policy. The assessment of external factors of the organization involves the listing down of finite list of factors which are a potential threat or opportunities for the organization in the external environment. By finite list is meant that not all the factors are focused. The priority is given to those factors which have high level of impact or form which high returns can be gained. The internal audit is also done in the situation analysis where the internal strengths and weaknesses of the organization are listed down (Fred David, 2006). After the clear understanding of the organizations current situation the real work begins where the strategies are formulated. The best practice is to involve the employees in this process as the employees from all levels will share their views and a better strategic decision will be expected. Here the strategies are developed to capitalize the opportunities available which were assessed in the external audit and minimize the threat of the factors. On the other side the strengths of the organizations require such strategies which further enhance them and the weaknesses are tried to be overcome. The next step in the strategy formulation stage is setting the long term objectives. Long term objectives are those which are associated with the sales and market share growth, it can be the growth of assets; it can be attaining any award from the government body etc. This is a very important phase as the long term goals and objectives show a direction to the whole organization. Long term objectives are set after a through consideration of external and internal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the organization. The available resources and the expected resources are listed and based on those resources the long term but achievable, measureable and realistic objectives are set with proper timelines (Fred David, 2006). The final stage of strategy formulation process is the evaluation and selection of appropriate strategies to meet the long term objectives. In this the alternative strategies are also identified an evaluated and a contingency planning is also done. For instance in case of any external change which is beyond the change of organization such as change in legislations or change in market conditions then that contingency plan can be used. The existing strategies of the organization are the initial point for strategy evaluation. Strategy Implementation The next step in a strategic plan includes the strategy implementation. Developing an effective strategy does not ensures that the strategic plan will be successful. It was in the old times when the strategic planning was done only at the level of stagy formulation stage. Experiences of different organizations and further studies revealed that strategy formulation does not ensure the success of strategic plan. Implementation is another important part of the strategic plan. In the implementation phase the process of shifting the responsibilities to the middle and lower level of management is developed. As in the strategy formulation stage it was mentioned that to involve the employees of all the levels is important, so if any organization has done this during the strategy formulation them the strategy implementation process will be lot more easier. This is because the middle and lower level staff will have a clearer view of the strategies developed and they would be in a better positi on to implement those strategies in real practice (Kim Warren, 2008). Strategy Evaluation and Control After the implementation of strategic plan it is important like all other plans and project to evaluate the progress of that plan. Implementation phase end with the start of evaluation process. This is a continuous process until the strategic aims and objectives are not met (Fred David, 2006). There are many organizations such as McDonalds, who have strategic aims and objectives that shows continuity and a continuous process is required for that for instance one of the strategic objectives of the company is to provide the value to the customer. This is an objective which shows continuity as the fast food chain is aimed to provide the customer value to their money so for that strategy evaluation is required. This process ensures that the implemented strategies are progressing towards the achievement of organizational aims and objectives or not. In this process the required results or outcomes are compared with the actual results and if there is any kind of difference then with the cha nge in strategies of taking appropriate steps that difference is tried to be eliminated or at least minimized. Factors affecting McDonalds Strategic Plan Several internal and external factors can affect the strategic plan of McDonalds. These may include factors such as managements vision, financial factors, technological changes, legislative factors or market competition. As mentioned in the strategic plan earlier that the strategies are developed by considering the existing resources of the organization. It also includes the existing technology possessed by the company. If the existing system of McDonalds becomes obsolete with the introduction of newer version of the same system then the organization need to adapt that system to sustain in the market. In this case the strategic plan requires a change (Kim Warren, 2008). Same is the case with the market condition. If at the time of strategic planning the market conditions are evaluated and after implementation the market condition changes and requires a change then the strategic plan will also require a change. That is the reason it is suggested that McDonalds strategic plan should be flexible enough that can meet the changing market conditions. Furthermore the strategic plans are also depend on the vision of the management of the organization. If the management decides to go with a differentiation strategy because of the market need then the existing strategic plan will be changed. Financial aspects cannot be neglected in the strategic planning. Every strategy requires financial resources and if the financial resources are not sufficient enough to meet the new strategy then it will require a change in the strategic plan. However, these constraints can be minimized during the strategy formulation process by intensive research and evaluation of the internal and external factors, but still the dynamic market conditions and growing consumer needs cannot be predicted. McDonalds and Strategic Options If there is some change in the external environment of the company then in response to that the company opts strategic option. Moreover, strategic option is also chosen by an organization to grow and it tells that how the company wants to grow and what are the ways through which the completive advantage is taken by an organization over its competitors. By manipulating and taking advantage of the opportunities available for an organization the company can have a positive outcome. There are two renowned methods or ways which can be chosen by any organization to gain a competitive advantage over the other organization (Fred David, 2006). These two strategic options include the cost leadership strategy and differentiation strategy. Under cost leadership strategy the organization cut down its cost of production or cost of goods sold and hence increases their profit margins. As the business word today is highly competitive and inn the fast food restaurant industry the customers have so many options such as KFC, Pizza Hut etc. which are also providing high quality products. So in such scenario it is not possible for McDonalds to increase the prices of their products. So, cutting the cost of production and other operational cost will be the best strategy to increase their profit margins. The internal capabilities of McDonalds will require a focus and needs to be enhanced in order to achieve the goals of this strategic option. Another strategic option available for McDonalds is to offer such products and services which are unique in nature and are not available in the market. In this way the customer will have no other option to get the desired product or service. This will keep the customer intact with McDonalds and hence the profit margins of the organization will keep on growing. A best example of this is the ice cream provided by McDonalds. No other fast food chain provides the best quality ice cream and people are fond of McDonalds Ice Cream and this has been a unique product of the fast food chain which attracts millions of customers. Another unique feature of McDonalds is their quality customer services. In this era the customer service has gained utmost importance and McDonalds customer services is helping them to increase their market share. Even if the restaurant is packed with the customers the customer services quality remains the same which makes the fast food chain number one in the world. Strategic Option a Helping Hand to achieve Strategic Objectives Strategic options help the organization to achieve the organization strategic aims and objectives. However, a combination of the available strategic options is a good option for any enterprise as this can have a dual positive effect in the organizational performance and profit margins can also be increased with a wide margin. Using integrated strategic options allows the firm a more leverage to take decision on marketing mix. McDonalds can use either of the strategic option discussed earlier, but the more appropriate is to use the mix of both the strategic options. This will help to achieve the strategic objectives of the organization which were mentioned earlier in the document. Using a differentiation strategy, McDonalds will be able to charge the premium prices against the product features. However, keeping the legislation under consideration is also important before charging the premium prices from the customers (Kim Warren, 2008). On the other side of the picture the cost leader ship strategy will provide the company a more leverage to reduce their prices of provide discount offers to the customers as the company have more margin due to the increase in profit margin. McDonalds can offer different discount deals on their core products as these are also provided by their major global competitor KFC. So, if the fast food chain is following an integrated strategic option then it can attain competitive advantage on either side of the court. This will fulfill the first and important strategic objective of McDonalds i.e. to maintain the market leader position. As the fast food chain will be able to counter each offer given by its competitor and also can attack the competitor by offering new products and deals and maintain the market dominance. Furthermore, using the differentiation strategy the fast food chain can make their customer services so supreme that no other competitor can copy that. Along with the food quality which is already very unique can be improved further and new products can be launched which are not available in the market and not ever provided by any other organization. By suing this differentiation strategy the company will be able to achieve its another strategic objective i.e. to provide the customer with quality food and service. Cost leadership and differentiation strategies will improve the profit margins and the strategic objective to provide a positive return on investment of the shareholders and investors will be fulfilled. Concluding this discussion it is suggested to the McDonalds management to continue delivering the quality product and services and further reduce their operational cost without compromising the quality of their products and standard of their services. McDonalds Stakeholders Analysis Stakeholders are those bodies or parties which have direct or indirect interaction with the organization. These bodies are affected with the operations of the business positively or negatively. The major stakeholder for McDonalds includes their customers, shareholders and their employees. Customers Customers of McDonalds are the major focus of fast food chain. Mentioned earlier in the document that the companys corporate values indicate that customer is the king. The strategic objectives are also aimed towards the customer satisfaction by delivering value to them. Customer services is the important part of the McDonalds strategic planning as through quality customer services they are able to retain he customers. McDonalds branches and franchises are all over the world and they are huge in number. This is to facilitate the customer to provide the quality food with easy access. Furthermore the free home delivery service of the fast food chain shows that the organization is committed to produce their products and services at the door step of the customers. Shareholders Shareholders are another major stakeholder of the company. Strategic objectives of the company show that the company is committed to deliver return on investments. The company has adapted cost leadership and differentiation strategy which have given them a position of market leader and helped to increase the profit margins which is the major concern of the investors. Employees The employees are the key to success for any organization. At McDonalds it is not a different story. The company considers their employees as an asset like all successful organizations and is committed to facilitate their employees who in actual are the prime resources that leads towards the fulfillment of organizations strategic objectives. Five Competitive Forces Analysis of McDonalds Michael porter provided a frame work which contains the analysis of five different forces effecting the organization (Kim Warren, 2002). Through this analytical tool five different forces affecting McDonalds are evaluated. Figure 1 Porter Five Forces Model Threat of new entrants Fast food industry has gained a tremendous growth in the 21st century. Many fast food chains are operating in different countries. The major are KFC, Pizza Hut and Subway. However there are many local fast food chains that provide the same kind of products which these international fast food chains do. However, the quality and standard is not up to the level of these chains still these chains are able to grasp a handsome amount of market share. The entry in this business is not a difficult task; however, to launch a chain at the level of McDonald is quite difficult. Threat of Substitutes There are several substitutes available against the products of McDonalds, which are also liked by the consumers. So McDonalds also have to consider those substitutes while designing their strategies. Degree of Rivalry The competition in the fast food restaurant industry is intense. Having the major brands like KFC, PIZZA HUT and Subway , McDonalds really have to be up to the mark in terms of products and customer services to maintain the market leader position. Bargaining Power of Buyers Bargaining power of buyers in case of McDonalds is high as the customer has so many options so the fast food chains have to maintain their prices very competitive and keep the level of customer services up to the mark. Bargaining Power of Suppliers Bargaining power of supplier is not high in case of McDonalds. Suppliers try to add their names in the list of the big brand names such as McDonalds because of the frequency of their orders. Pest Analsyis of Mcdonalds Pestle analysis is to analyze the external forces which can affect the organization. Below is the brief analysis of McDonalds Figure 2 PEST Analysis Framework Political Forces Due to the global operations of the company there are several policies in different states which can affect the McDonalds policies and procedures. Economic Factors The global economy can affect the organization in many ways. The change in the fast food industry business can also affect the McDonalds in a positive or negative way. Social Factors Being operating in many countries across the globe, McDonald have to recognize the social and cultural factors. For instance in Muslim countries the fast food chain has to assure the community regarding the use of Halal chicken. Technological Factors The rapid change in technology will force the company to adapt it in order to survive in the competitive market. Furthermore, the introduction of new advertisement Medias gives a more chance to aggressively market the products through different channels. Conclusion McDonalds enormous success all over the globe is the result of their effective vision and mission which is leading the organization in the right direction. The selection of right strategies at the right time allows the organization to achieve the organization set aims and objectives. The progress of the company towards strategic aims and objectives is satisfactory. The selection of integrated strategic options will allow the company to progress more efficiently towards the achievement of strategic aims and objectives.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Facts about Ecstasy :: essays research papers
     Ecstasy, or MDMA, has become a major drug problem in the last few years. Although it is widely used, it has been proven to be dangerous. Ecstasy is a designer drug, which means it is synthetically made by street chemists. These people are not usually certified chemists and are in it for the money. This makes taking E even more dangerous. Ecstasy effects are very similar to Amphetamines and speed. Although the chemical structure is not similar to these other drugs, the effect on the body is the same. This is an informational article and in no way endorses the use of ecstasy, since it is a dangerous and illegal drug. NAMES      Ecstasy, since it is highly illegal, naturally has many names to cover its true identity. Ecstasy is also known as MDMA, pills, Adam and eve, X, E, Ecstacy, XTC, or Adam. Some fake-ecstasy drugs can be bought over the counter, such as Cloud 9, or The Pill. These are herbal fakes, and are considered by experts to not be anything like ecstasy in its true form. They may say they are ecstasy, but they really aren’t.                     DOSAGE      A average person must take 100-159 milligrams orally to feel the full effects of this drug. The drug works quickly, and effects will be noticed about forty-five minutes later. As with other drugs, if it is smoked, snorted, or injected, it will work quicker. The physical effects generally last about eight hours. The mental effects can last much longer, with them trailing off around one or two days.                     MENTAL EFFECTS      The mental effects of ecstasy are sometimes hard to describe since they are mental feelings. Scientists have classified the major mental effects of ecstasy. Entactogenesis is the first major effect of ecstasy when people feel that everything is right and good with the world. They also find interest in common everyday objects. They just have a general happy feeling. Empathogenesis is the next major effect of ecstasy; it is seems to create a feeling of closeness to others and a breakdown of communication barriers. So it seems to make you be much for open with people than before. This effect probably helped ecstasy earn its name of the Love Drug.                     PHYSICAL EFFECTS      MDMA can create any number of physical effects such as dizziness, accelerated heartbeat, sweating, insomnia, incessant talking, euphoria are all experienced. Many users report a loss of judgment, which can threaten physical health. Almost every user of ecstasy has major loss of body fluid through sweating.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Breaking Social Norms Essay
Social norms are the customary rules that govern behavior in certain group of individuals. These rules specify how one should behave, and it clarifies what may be considered normal or acceptable to society. The type of norm that I have decided to violate for this assignment is a folkway. Folkways are informal, unstated rules that govern society, unlike laws, which are formal written rules. Folkways are a behavioral adaptation that developed to make social life possible. They are considered less essential to the stability of society since it applies to everyday people. For instance Americans shake hands when meeting, while members of other cultures bow, or kiss. For this assignment I decided to stand outside the mall and hand shake individuals as they walk in and out of the mall. Since norms consist of preferences, rather than demands the mechanism of social control results in sanctions. Whether informal positive or informal negative, these sanctions may result in a simile, or a dirty look. This essay will explore the reaction of individuals when greeted by a stranger and the subsequent actions that resulted. For this assignment I decided to go to South Coast Plaza Mall in Costa Mesa. South Coast Plaza is a place where a concierge will check your bags when your arms are too tired, where personal shoppers are at your service, and where your electric jaguar can get serviced while you shop or dine. Around the fancy cluster of shops are Prada, Burberry, Armani, and Tiffany & Co. At the same time you can also find a local McDonald’s, Beackworks, and a Sears at the other end of the mall. Due to its Cultural Diversity I decided to take on the challenge. Considering this, I arrived the location around 10:00am (opening time) on Sunday September 30th. The multitude of individuals roaming the mall were mostly women in different age groups, varying between 20-60 years of age. About 10 people who are walking in and out of the mall are observing me, my intuition is that being a female will prevent these women from feeling harassed and accept my hand shake. As I stood outside the second level Macy’s Valet Entrance I approached the first individual, I extended my hand and smiled at this 20 something year-old Persian woman who pulled out of a white Escalade. She asked if I orked there and if I could guide her to the concierge desk, but she never welcomed my hand gesture. I immediately removed my arm feeling very uncomfortable and guided the way. Breaking this social norm in this case caused a negative informal sanction, and as a result the woman disregarded my hand shake and left me feeling disapproval. The second individual I approached was a Hispanic woman in her mid 30s’ with a stroller in hand, and a 5 year-old boy who seemed very much interested in greeting me. To my surprise, she pretended to have her hands tied up, and asked her son to hold her hand so he would not get lost. Being ignored is a negative informal sanction and it made me feel public ridicule along with rejection. However, a few minutes later an elderly Caucasian woman walking out with her granddaughter acknowledged my greeting. When her grand-daughter did not respond to my hand gesture she exclaimed, â€Å"Honey don’t be rude! Where are your manners? †and the grand-daughter finally welcomed my hand gesture. The polite lady started talking to me about customs and traditions, and how people are not as polite as they used to be. She exclaimed that individuals are too focused on other things and forget their manners. Aside from the previous experiences, breaking this social norm ended in positive formal sanctions; as a result of my gesture the lady smiled and complemented my actions. Correspondingly there were a few other individuals who accepted my greetings, while others looked the other way and pretended I was not there. Individuals who live accordingly to these norms often Theis?.. Almost every single thing we do in life is judged by a certain set of guidelines. When we are growing up, we are taught by our parents of what to do and what not to do. Of course, every household lives by a different set of ideals and beliefs. It can be influenced by religion, the environment they live in, and what kind of government they abide by. However, the one constant which holds true in all households and societies are norms. Norms are established standards of behavior maintained by a society. Norms are important to a society because it pretty much keeps every citizen in a society in check with themselves and their behavior. Laws are not sufficient enough to keep a society at peace. The two types of norms that exist are ormal and informal. Formal norms are pretty much what we call laws in our society, while informal norms are pretty much norms in which there is a mutual agreement among everyone in a society to follow. Norms can be viewed as all the petty things and the serious things combined in which all citizens should abide by. It can be more important than laws in their judgment on looks, whether it is the color of one’s skin, the clothes that one wears and even the way a person carries himself or herself, individuals make instant judgments based on these social prejudices. This perception based on appearance determines the behavior towards the person. A Player Piano In our textbook, â€Å"Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach,†Henslin defines social control as a group’s formal and informal means of enforcing its norms. Two prime examples of social control are positive and negative sanctions. A positive sanction is a reward or positive reaction for following norms. A positive sanction could possibly be given to someone who tries to break and change norms in society for the advancement of the community. A good example of this would be Dr. Martin Luther King’s movement for civil rights. A negative sanction is the opposite, an expression of disapproval for breaking a norm. These reactions can be severe and formal, or they can be mild and informal. How do these ideas of social control apply in the society created by Vonnegut in â€Å"Player Piano? †In the book â€Å"Player Piano†by Kurt Vonnegut, there are many examples of positive and negative sanctions. A perfect example of sanctions affecting lives in a dramatic way was the aptitude test taken by all citizens. If you do poorly on it, then you have to live the rest of your life in the Army or in the Reeks and Wrecks.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Mutations in Dna Essay
Although most mutants are either impersonal or harmful they are besides the natural stuff for development. Such mutants from allelomorphs. surrogate signifiers of a given cistron that may bring forth differences in construction or map such as black. brown or blond hair in worlds. or different coupling calls in toads. Phases of Mitosis~1 ) Parent cell.2 ) Chromosomes make indistinguishable transcripts of themselves.3 ) They line up along the Centre.4 ) They move apart.5 ) Two girl cells form with indistinguishable chromosomes to the parent cell. Homologous chromosomes have the same cistrons. but each homologue may hold the same allelomorphs of some cistrons and different allelomorphs others. The cell rhythm is tightly controlled. Both during the embryologic development and during the care and fix of the grownup organic structure. come oning through the cell rhythm is regulated chiefly by two interacting procedures. ( 1 ) Production of. and responses to. growing factors that by and large speed up the cell rhythm ; ( 2 ) Intracellular checkpoints that stop the cell rhythm if jobs such as mutants in the Deoxyribonucleic acid or misalignment of the chromosomes have occurred. Most malignant neoplastic diseases develop because one of both of these procedures goes amiss. Many different molecules control the cell rhythm ; Porto-oncogenes: Any cistron whose proteins tends to advance mitotic cell division if called a proton-oncogene. The cistrons for growing factors. turn factor receptors. and some cyclins and Cdks are proton-oncogenes. In most instances. advancement through the cell rhythm existences when a growth-stimulating protein such as cuticular growing factor ( EGF ) binds to a receptor on the surface of a cell. This stimulates the synthesis of cyclins which bind to Cdks and trip them. Therefore. these proton-oncogenes are indispensable to the normal control of the cell rhythm. Tumor suppresser cistrons: The protein merchandises of tumour suppresser cistrons prevent uncontrolled cell division and the production of girl cells with mutated Deoxyribonucleic acid. both of which are common in tumours. Cdks modulate the activity of other proteins by adding a phosphate group to them. One such protein is Rb. Normally. Rb inhibits written text of several cistrons whose protein merchandises are required for DNA synthesis. Phosphorylation of Rb by Cdks relieves this suppression in the G. stage of the cell rhythm. leting the cell to continue to the S stage and retroflex its DNA. This concatenation of events. from growing cabal stimulation to phosphorylation of Rb. ensures that the cell rhythm starts up merely when the organic structure needs it to. Another tumour suppresser protein. called P53 proctors the unity of the cell’s DNA and indirectly regulates Rb activity. Healthy cells with integral DNA. contain small P53. However. when Deoxyribonucleic acid has been damaged ( for illustration by ultraviolet beams in sunshine ) . P53 degrees rise. The P53 proteins that inhibit Cdks. If Cdks are inhibited so Rb is non phosphorylated and DNA synthesis is blocked ; this prevents the cell from bring forthing girl cells with damaged Deoxyribonucleic acid. The P53 stimulated the synthesis of DNA fix enzymes. After the Deoxyribonucleic acid has been repaired. P53 degrees decline. Cdks become active. Rb becomes phosphorylated and the cell enters the S stage. If the Deoxyribonucleic acid can non be repaired. P53 triggers a particular from of cell decease called programmed cell death. in which the cell cuts up its Deoxyribonucleic acid and efficaciously commits suicide.
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